UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦
Temporary resident documents We will correct valid temporary resident documents if Canadian immigration officials have made an error in recording the information. If the name on your valid temporary resident document matches the passport you used for entry to Canada, your immigration records will not be amended. Your valid temporary resident documents are meant to demonstrate to employers, schools, or other authorities that you are authorized to work, study, visit, or remain in Canada. The information contained in these documents should be the same as the information contained in your entry passport. Changes made to personal information after you entered Canada will not be amended on your temporary resident document. The information on this document should match your passport. If the information on your passport changes, you should apply for a new document. If your amendment request is different from the information contained on the passport and to which your temporary resident document is attached, your information will not be corrected.
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Сладкий, я бы пошел, но к сожалению у меня работа
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Колд Гарден
Вітаю! ▫️Набір: дощечка, лопатки, ножі, виделки, половник, мірна чаша і все інше що є на першому фото - ціна 30 ▫️Набір: бокали, стакани, чашки, великі тарілочки, звичайні, глибокі тарілочки ikea, ваза під квіти і все що є на другому фото - ціна 35 Самовивіз Auburn Bay
Добрий день. Підскажіть будь ласка, які райони Калгарі найбільш підходять для сім'ї з дітьми? Було б добре наявність парку, дитячого майданчику. Дякую 🙏
Here are the emails of my clients mrs katlyn poore ([email protected]) Mrs Amelia alice ([email protected]) Mr harry Avery ([email protected]) Mr Robert Thompson ([email protected]) Mr josh Nelson ([email protected]) Mr jamson Hammett ([email protected]) Mrs Denise wilder ([email protected]) Mr Robert joy ([email protected]) Mr Terry mowls ([email protected]) Mr Thomas Bruce ([email protected]) Mrs Janis hadlow([email protected]) Mrs isabela ([email protected]) Mr kelvin thomas ([email protected]) Mrs. chanse berry([email protected]) Mr. tony moore ([email protected])Mrs. Carmelita([email protected]) Mrs. Mei ([email protected]) Mr Gordon ([email protected]) Mr james chard([email protected])
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