Вінніпег для українців Канада
Хіба? Є pre-paid (передплата, заплатив - є послуга, не заплатив - нема). Є contract (це післяплата, згідно контракту, який ви підписали, ви погоджуєтесь з наданням послуги, за яку заплатите пізніше) А вже контракт може бути чи тільки на звязок чи і на телефон теж.
Привіт усім! 💜 Я шукаю 2-3 дівчини для процедури ламінування вій, які можуть допомогти мені зняти контент для методички. Я вас помучаю годинку-півтори, якщо ви не проти 😄 Будемо знімати тільки макрофотографії, а всі знімки з вашим обличчям будуть зроблені лише з вашої згоди. вихідні або час після 18:00. БЕЗКОШТОВНО Локація:📍30 Charbonneau Crescent
Всем привет. Подскажите, пожалуйста, как тут попасть к ортопеду детскому? Через семейного врача или можно без него? И возможно кто-то уже бывал и может посоветовать хорошего специалиста. Большое спасибо
Hello to you. Looking for an investor to fund our team, in traffic arbitrage! A team of traffic arbitrage specialists specializing in the vertical - gambling/betting, is looking for an investor to work with, buying traffic from Facebook. ↪️ The team has extensive experience in working with volume. ↪️ Have developed many of our own effective strategies ↪️We have ready infrastructure, team, approaches to GEO. We work mainly with GEO: TIR1/TIR2. ↪️ We are ready to start working today. Contact us at Telegram: Vit_S_F Also ready to cooperate with an agent, in search of an investor. Thank you
Hello to you. Looking for an investor to fund our team, in traffic arbitrage! A team of traffic arbitrage specialists specializing in the vertical - gambling/betting, is looking for an investor to work with, buying traffic from Facebook. ↪️ The team has extensive experience in working with volume. ↪️ Have developed many of our own effective strategies ↪️We have ready infrastructure, team, approaches to GEO. We work mainly with GEO: TIR1/TIR2. ↪️ We are ready to start working today. Contact us at Telegram: Vit_S_F Also ready to cooperate with an agent, in search of an investor. Thank you
Hello to you. Looking for an investor to fund our team, in traffic arbitrage! A team of traffic arbitrage specialists specializing in the vertical - gambling/betting, is looking for an investor to work with, buying traffic from Facebook. ↪️ The team has extensive experience in working with volume. ↪️ Have developed many of our own effective strategies ↪️We have ready infrastructure, team, approaches to GEO. We work mainly with GEO: TIR1/TIR2. ↪️ We are ready to start working today. Contact us at Telegram: Vit_S_F Also ready to cooperate with an agent, in search of an investor. Thank you
Hello to you. Looking for an investor to fund our team, in traffic arbitrage! A team of traffic arbitrage specialists specializing in the vertical - gambling/betting, is looking for an investor to work with, buying traffic from Facebook. ↪️ The team has extensive experience in working with volume. ↪️ Have developed many of our own effective strategies ↪️We have ready infrastructure, team, approaches to GEO. We work mainly with GEO: TIR1/TIR2. ↪️ We are ready to start working today. Contact us at Telegram: Vit_S_F Also ready to cooperate with an agent, in search of an investor. Thank you
Hello to you. Looking for an investor to fund our team, in traffic arbitrage! A team of traffic arbitrage specialists specializing in the vertical - gambling/betting, is looking for an investor to work with, buying traffic from Facebook. ↪️ The team has extensive experience in working with volume. ↪️ Have developed many of our own effective strategies ↪️We have ready infrastructure, team, approaches to GEO. We work mainly with GEO: TIR1/TIR2. ↪️ We are ready to start working today. Contact us at Telegram: Vit_S_F Also ready to cooperate with an agent, in search of an investor. Thank you
Післяоплата це не контракт
В Канаді це не вважається контрактом, бо ви можете у будь-який момент перейти ні іншого оператора або закрити акаунт
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