UPDATE - Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program
I’m sharing my notes after meeting with officers from the MPNP.
- Processing times
Currently, they are processing applications submitted in May/June 2023. (Current wait to receive a nomination is more than 9 months!)
- Stronger focus on retention
Rounds of invitation will be focusing on economic benefit tied to family connections
- Allocation of nominations in 2024
They are still waiting to receive confirmation from the federal government. Usually they know around April of every year. It is expected to be very similar to 2023 (9,500 ish)
- Skilled Worker Overseas
They have a 1.5 stronger retention in comparison to applicants under the Skilled Worker in Manitoba. (Hence the latest rounds)
- Strategic and Community Support Initiatives
Continue to be in operation. Ethnic communities choose to remain anonymous.
- Application portal updates
Coming soon!
- 6 months of work experience continues
The minimum work experience under the Skilled Worker in Manitoba continues to be 6 months and no plans to extend it (as previously considered)
- Proof of funds
Applicants must have at least enough to cover the government fees to apply for permanent residence.
- Proof of language (PTE now accepted)
Applicants can now obtain points using the PTE core. Since their system has not been updated since 10 years ago, the applicants are asked to send en email for instructions on how to proceed. (No joke!)
My last piece of advice, become competitive and not just eligible!
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