І ще таке питання. Я вже максимально заплутався , повна неприємна каша в голові
Я йду через SWO (Ukrainian measures), получив LAA, на днях планував сабмітити документи. Я відпрацював 6 місяців до EOI як і треба було , набрав більше 60 балів. Зараз роботодавця в мене нема, я self-employed. Я був впевнений що все ок та мій self-employement нічому зашкоджати не буде бо йду через українську вибірку
Але на всяк випадок описав мою ситуацію на емейл immigrate manitoba ще місяць назад, та тільки зараз, буквально пару хвилин назад, отримав таку відповідь:
MPNP will accept work from home experience IF the employer meets the definition of Qualifying Employment:
Your employer must be incorporated or registered by or under an act of the legislature of a province or the Parliament of Canada and operating as a business that has an established production capability, plant or place of business in Manitoba.
Your employer must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the MPNP that they are an established business with an ability to offer you full-time and long-term employment in Manitoba.
Any periods of self-employment, unauthorized work, or periods of employment during which you were engaged in full-time study (ex: work experience gained on a co-op permit) will not be included when calculating the period of qualifying work experience in Manitoba.
Self-employed individuals, business owners, owner-operators and individuals providing services as independent contractors to the business supporting their application are not eligible to apply as Skilled Workers in Manitoba and any work experience in Manitoba gained in those capacities will not be considered when calculating the qualifying period of work in the province.
The MPNP will only issue a work permit support letter to you if there is a demonstrated employee-employer relationship.»
З цього емейлу здається що я весь цей час помилявся і self-employment мені ставить красний хрест на подальшому прогресі по MPNP? Або я щось не так розумію?
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