Unlocking Employment Opportunities in Winkler: Your Gateway to Success.
Are you on the lookout for employment opportunities in Winkler? Today, we're diving into a myriad of services designed to support individuals in their career journey. Whether you're seeking essential skills training, overcoming barriers to employment, or looking to settle into a new professional path, Winkler has resources to help you thrive.
1. WEM Workplace Education Manitoba
WEM Workplace Education Manitoba is dedicated to ensuring that all Manitobans have access to essential skills knowledge and training. From reading and writing to digital technology and continuous learning, their programs cover a wide array of skills essential for workplace success. Join WEM for engaging online training sessions and workshops, tailored to inspire continuous learning and growth.
Physical Address: 2-295 Perry Street, Winkler, MB
Website: wem.mb.ca/team
2. Segue Career Options
Segue Career Options is a supportive employment agency in Winkler, offering a range of programs catering to individuals facing barriers to employment, including youth, persons with disabilities, and those seeking part-time or full-time positions. From job education and mentoring to one-on-one employability enhancement, Segue Career Options is there to empower individuals on their career paths.
Physical Address: 309 Main Street, Winkler, MB
Mailing Address: Box 435, Winkler R6W 4A6
Website: edenhealthcare.ca/segue-career-options/
[email protected]
Phone: 204-325-5355
3. Regional Connections
Regional Connections provides settlement, employment, language training, and community connection services to newcomers to Canada and community members alike. Their comprehensive offerings include ESL training, employment assistance services, and specialized programs for internationally-educated professionals. Whether navigating language barriers or seeking licensure in regulated fields, Regional Connections provides the support and resources individuals need to succeed.
Physical Address: 2-295 Perry St., Winkler MB, R6W 0K9
Website: regionalconnections.ca
[email protected]
Phone: 204-325-4059
Don't let employment opportunities pass you by – seize the moment and take the first step toward your career goals today. With the support of these invaluable services, the possibilities for your future are endless.
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