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Вернули заявку по причине
A review of your application indicates you do not meet the requirement of the instructions with respect to the completion of your application or, the requirements of Regulation (R) 10 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) because the following item(s) are missing:
You have uploaded documents under Confirmation of Nomination that are password protected. We cannot accept password protected files. Please provide the Confirmation of Nomination in non-password protected format so that an officer can view them.
Regulation (12) of IRPA states:
“If the requirements of sections 10 and 11 are not met, the application and all documents submitted in support of the application shall be returned to the applicant.”
As your application does not meet the requirements of R 10 of IRPA, it is considered incomplete and is being returned to you along with your processing fee. A copy of your application has not been retained.
Никто никогда не говорил нам что может быть такая проблема. Мы номинацию получили сразу с паролем, предполагая что документ должен быть защищенный паролем и таким же образом передан офицеру, но оказывается что нет...видимо все придется делать сначала