(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
вся ната такая Группа экспертов по информационной безопасности из ассоциации Netzbegrünung обнаружила уязвимости в работе сервиса видеоконференций Cisco Webex, который использовали в Вооруженных силах Германии. Как показало исследование газеты Zeit, данные о тысячах онлайн-совещаний в бундесвере, проводившихся через Webex, многие месяцы находились в открытом доступе в интернете. netzbegruenung.de/blog/netzbegruenung-deckt-it-sicherheits-und-datenschutz-schwachstellen-von-ciscos-videokonferenzdienst-webex-auf/ www.zeit.de/digital/datenschutz/2024-05/bundeswehr-webex-sicherheitsluecke-it-sicherheit/komplettansicht
Hello there is a job opportunity in canada 🇨🇦 Candidate with PR holder and Citizen will get privilege. For position available The position available are : Data Entry / Administrative Assistant / Sales / Admin Clerk / Office Assistant / Customer Service Rep/payroll assistant Send me a direct message
Hello there is a job opportunity in canada 🇨🇦 Candidate with PR holder and Citizen will get privilege. For position available The position available are : Data Entry / Administrative Assistant / Sales / Admin Clerk / Office Assistant / Customer Service Rep/payroll assistant Send me a direct message
Hello there is a job opportunity in canada 🇨🇦 Candidate with PR holder and Citizen will get privilege. For position available The position available are : Data Entry / Administrative Assistant / Sales / Admin Clerk / Office Assistant / Customer Service Rep/payroll assistant Send me a direct message
Hello there is a job opportunity in canada 🇨🇦 Candidate with PR holder and Citizen will get privilege. For position available The position available are : Data Entry / Administrative Assistant / Sales / Admin Clerk / Office Assistant / Customer Service Rep/payroll assistant Send me a direct message
Hello there is a job opportunity in canada 🇨🇦 Candidate with PR holder and Citizen will get privilege. For position available The position available are : Data Entry / Administrative Assistant / Sales / Admin Clerk / Office Assistant / Customer Service Rep/payroll assistant Send me a direct message
Hello there is a job opportunity in canada 🇨🇦 Candidate with PR holder and Citizen will get privilege. For position available The position available are : Data Entry / Administrative Assistant / Sales / Admin Clerk / Office Assistant / Customer Service Rep/payroll assistant Send me a direct message
Hello there is a job opportunity in canada 🇨🇦 Candidate with PR holder and Citizen will get privilege. For position available The position available are : Data Entry / Administrative Assistant / Sales / Admin Clerk / Office Assistant / Customer Service Rep/payroll assistant Send me a direct message
Hello there is a job opportunity in canada 🇨🇦 Candidate with PR holder and Citizen will get privilege. For position available The position available are : Data Entry / Administrative Assistant / Sales / Admin Clerk / Office Assistant / Customer Service Rep/payroll assistant Send me a direct message
Хтось писав, що завірив україське доручення без перекладу у канадського нотаріуса, який знає українську і поставив потім апостиль