UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦
Хочу запросити бажаючих на івент:
Привіт усім
Усім привіт
I would like to share with you some good opportunities, this is part of my part time business I doing on my leisure time and also you could be interested in growing your influence and own life Here is some info you can check, I can ask for free tickets for you and if you have some friends also for them
Хочу запросити бажаючих на івент, за силкою в лс
Привіт усім
I would like to share with you some good opportunities, this is part of my part time business I doing on my leisure time and also you could be interested in growing your influence and own life Here is some info you can check, I can ask for free tickets for you and if you have some friends also for them
Хочу запросити бажаючих на івент, за силкою в лс
@casual_burnout @avantys
I would like to share with you some good opportunities, this is part of my part time business I doing on my leisure time and also you could be interested in growing your influence and own life Here is some info you can check, I can ask for free tickets for you and if you have some friends also for them
Хочу запросити бажаючих на івент, за силкою в лс
Куртка для работы 45 cad Размер m/m На фото 185см и 100кг Самовывоз Templewood RD NE
Наколенники, отдам в подарок к куртке или обуви
Обувь с стальным носком 45 cad Как новые, носил 5 раз Самовывоз Templewood RD NE
Размер S Отдам в подарок к обуви или куртке
В подарок к тому же комплекту