Нижче наведено ще одне важливе оновлення для власників CUAET, які намагалися продовжити свої імміграційні документи (наприклад, дозвіл на роботу, дозвіл на навчання) до 31 березня. Якщо ви подали заяву на продовження дозволу на роботу до 31 березня та отримали нові документи від IRCC без продовження, будь ласка, уважно вивчіть наведену нижче інформацію та розгляньте можливість якомога швидше подати запит на повторний розгляд до IRCC. 🇺🇦
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Sharun, Gregory (IRCC/IRCC)
Date: Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 8:17 AM
Subject: Temporary Resident Status Extensions Under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel - Prolongation du statut de résident temporaire au titre des mesures liées à l’Autorisation de voyage d’urgence Canada Ukraine
To: Sharun, Gregory (IRCC/IRCC)
Dear OUSH Members,
I would like to address questions regarding the issuance of temporary resident (TR) status (including work permits) extensions under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) measures.
Ukrainians and their family members holding valid TR status in Canada under the CUAET measures were eligible to apply on or before March 31, 2024, for a fee-exempt extension of their TR status for up to an additional 3 years, provided their passport and biometrics remain valid.
We understand that some CUAET holders did not receive extensions as expected despite having longer passport and biometrics validity. Thank you for bringing these cases to our attention at OUSH meetings and directly to our team.
We would like to clarify that regardless of the initial permit’s duration (whether 3 years or shorter), clients were eligible for an extension of up to an additional 3 years, provided that their passport and biometrics remained valid for the entire extended period, and the extension request was received by March 31, 2024. IRCC officers hold the delegated authority to determine the validity period of extension requests based on their assessment of the application. There are existing processes in place should clients wish to have the decision on the validity period of their extension application reconsidered. However, given the authority of our officers, there is no guarantee that a different decision will be rendered.
We would like to ask your assistance in sharing the following message with your affected clients.
Message for Clients:
The following applies to CUAET visa holders in Canada who applied on or before March 31, 2024, for an extension of their TR status for up to an additional 3 years, but did not receive the full 3 year extension despite having valid passports and biometrics for the entire duration.
These clients may submit a reconsideration request with IRCC; however, submitting a reconsideration request does not guarantee that a different decision will be rendered as IRCC officers hold the delegated authority to determine the validity period of permits based on their assessment of the application.
If clients wish to submit a reconsideration of the expiry date of a temporary resident status (including work permits) document, they can follow these steps:
1. Use the web form, which is accessible through the Ukraine immigration measures webpage.
2. Under “What do you need to do?”, select the option “I need help with something else”.
3. Complete the required fields under “Tell us about yourself”.
4. Use keyword UKRAINE2022 under “Tell us about your situation” and indicate that you are submitting a request for reconsideration on the expiry date of your extension of TR status application.
Thank you,
Gregory Sharun
Director - Crisis Assistance Strategic Operations (CASO) | Directeur - Opérations stratégiques d’assistance en cas de crise (OSACC)
Mass Arrivals Settlement Branch | DG pour l’établissement des arrivées massives
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada / Government of Canada
Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada / Gouvernement du Canada