🇨🇦✂️💅Бьюті майстри & клієнти 🏵
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🇨🇦Канадський ліс 🌳. ⚡️😅 🫎В них тут своя атмосфера.🐻 📱 ADMIN 🇺🇦🇨🇦 🌐Чат UA РАЗОМ в Montréal, Québec ⚜️ 🇺🇦 🌐Чат UA РАЗОМ в Québec City, Lévis ⚜️🇺🇦 🌐Чат UA РАЗОМ в Toronto,Ontario
Дівчата,майстри манікюру у Вінклері чи Мордені. Можливо хтось проводить курси з манікюру/педікюру?
Девочки, приглашаю всех на Шугаринг! С 20-го 30-е июля действует акция «Знакомство с мастером» -30% на любые зоны при первом посещении. Работаю быстро, качественно и без боли. Мой инстаграм- www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?igsh=4j35yah5afkq&utm_content=q7or8l8
Привіт🌷 Якщо хтось має бажання схуднути, але все ніяк - пишіть. Разом - зробимо. Я роблю відеодзвінок, дізнаюсь все, що потрібно дієтологу і складаю меню на 28 днів, враховуючи Вашу ціль, вагу, вік, ріст та доступ до продуктів. Потім чекаю звіту по вазі, об'ємах і питання(якщо є) кожного тижня. Складаю метаболічну тарілку, враховуючи калорії, глікемічний індекс і продукти, що дають насичення. Освіта: мед універ, терапія і дієтологія. В процесі - ГВ. Худніть здорово і смачно. З повагою, Софія. Ціна приємна. Бережіть себе. Слава Богу, ЗСУ та Україні 🕊️🇺🇦 Сторінка в інстаграм www.instagram.com/dr.sofiiaa?igsh=ZXl5MDVodmwyczNl
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Девочки ПРОДАЮ в связи с переездом❗️ Педикюрное кресло Педикюрный стул для мастера Педикюрную ванночку Роликовый карт(полочки) Кому интересно,пишите пожалуйста в личку,обсудим цены!