Asking for a fair treatment of similar applications in the same special program everyone is super grateful about is not being ungrateful. If processing times for all AORs are 10 months, that’s ok. But when some same Ukrainians get PRs in 10 months and others don’t have even AOR in 10 months - that’s something wrong in the processing system. And those treated unfairly have the full right to ask for a fair treatment. This is the whole point of Canada. You Canadian relatives and friends would agree. Treat people fairly
Працює бот, абсурдно це чи ні на вашу думку.
Доброго дня. Чи не збереглася випадково опція безкоштовного medical exam для новоприбулих? Цікавить Манітоба. Дякую
Ox, please don’t take this the wrong way, but if you had chosen a different path for obtaining PR, you would have needed to pass an English test / gain relevant work experience for the program you selected. I don’t know you personally, but based on your message, it seems you might not have met the threshold. So, if I were in your position, I’d be even more grateful. :)
That’s exactly what I meant. This program exists because the Canadian government wants Ukrainians to remain in the country legally, not as illegal residents who aren’t paying taxes. It’s about supporting the economy, not necessarily about support or compassion. I honestly don’t believe that any Ukrainian community you’ve contacted has influence over this program.
Я прикрепляла пояснительное письмо, в котором указала, что в соответствии с иммиграционной программой для моего тира не требуется сдача теста по англ и прикрепила ссылку на сайт провинции с требованиями этой программы, где указано для каких именно тиров нужно сдавать тест
‼️ Будь ласка, суперечки переносимо в гілку : Працює бот, будуть функції & видалення Дякуємо
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