Why is Canadian taxpayer money being used to fund Russian propaganda?
The Canadian Government says it is very concerned about the influence of Russian propaganda.
Then why is the Canada Media Fund using taxpayer money to fund:
A movie – Russians at War – made by a filmmaker whose previous movies used to be broadcast by Russia Today, a Russian propaganda outlet sanctioned by the Government of Canada?
A filmmaker who entered sovereign Ukrainian territory together with invading Russian armies, thus violating Ukrainian law, Ukrainian sovereignty and possibly breaching Canadian sanctions?
Why did this film receive $340,000 from the Canadian Media Fund through the Department of Canadian Heritage?
Why is the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) screening a movie that seeks to explain away Russia’s genocidal war of aggression against Ukraine? Why is TIFF showcasing a film which blames “propaganda” or “the fog of war” for the Russian armies who invaded Ukraine and who rape, torture, murder and dehumanize Ukrainians
We encourage you to contact the following to express your views on funding and that the screening be cancelled at TIFF:
The Canada Media Fund
Phone: 1-800-567-0890
[email protected]
or here
The Honourable Pascale St-Onge, PC, MP
Minister of Canadian Heritage
[email protected]