🍁 🍁🍁 Інформаційний пост: 🍁🇨🇦Онтаріо news: Полегшення освітніх вимог для викладачів дитячих садків🇨🇦🍁 Детальніше в інформаційному посту блогу PRCUAET🍁➡️: 🍁🍁🍁
Я в Торонто проживаю. Я хотіла саме на вихователя, асистент то не зовсім те. Але наскільки я знаю, і для асистента потрібен сертифікат ECE, принаймні так мені сказали в одному садочку
That's exactly my point. The guide specifies that you need to be in Canada during the application submission and when IRCC makes a final decision. It doesn’t clarify whether you must be in Canada at all times between these stages. Whatever it's not the point of my previous message. As you might know, different officers can interpret the documents in various ways. Additionally, the bullet point right below this statement requires a person to have valid temporary resident status in Canada. My question is how long someone can be outside Canada before losing their temporary resident status. Given that this person’s friend has been outside Canada for more than six months, I’m wondering if this might be why he no longer qualifies as a temporary resident.
Так, на портал 2 можете вільно надати нове фото яке вам подобається, бо саме воно буде на ПР картах.
Мда, не швидко. Дуже дякую
2024-07-20 application 2024-07-21 biom request 2024-08-12 biometry passed at Kyiv 2024-08-12 biometry accepted at IRCC і нічого з того моменту
As a moderator, please address the participants with more respect. I haven’t said anything to warrant this level of toxicity. I’m simply trying to understand the possible reasons for this person’s application refusal. I mentioned the TR to PR guide only because the IRCC officer I spoke with referenced it while answering my questions. It may come as a surprise, but this special reunification program is part of the broader TR to PR pathway.