(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Срочно нужно нанять людей из чата! Сразу две проблемы решите
С таким опытом и так волнуешься, странно что ты еще не уголек 🫶🏻
Для людей котрі топлять за «рент вигідніше покупки» вийшла статистика від StatsCAN. Looking at families whose major income earner was 55 to 64 years of age, those who owned their principal residence and had an employer-sponsored pension plan had a median net worth of $1.4 million in 2023. On the other hand, those who rented and who did not have an employer-sponsored pension plan had a median net worth of $11,900. Families who owned their principal residence but who did not have an employer-sponsored pension plan had a median net worth of $914,000 in 2023. At the same time, those who had an employer pension plan, but who did not own their principal residence, had a median net worth of $359,000. www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/241029/dq241029a-eng.htm?cmp=sma
The longstanding expectation is that families build up their assets and reduce their debts over their working years and spend down their assets during their retirement years. Canadian families with low net worth will be more likely to need to work longer, may need more government support, and may be at greater risk of poverty.
Кароче надо покупать
дом на колесах это оч круто, но я бы не стал его брать до покупки первого нормального жилья)
Самолет улетел в Торонто
Да, но мы украинцы 😄😬
так статистика по Канаде же
90% украинцев? Если не больше
Это вопрос уже к родителям. Если б дали хату или денег на нее - сэкономили б нам 20 лет 🤷