Імміграція до Манітоби
The information provided does not match what is in our system The system will only link an application if the information you enter matches the application exactly. Make sure you don’t have any extra spaces before or after what you type into each field. If you contacted us after you applied and updated any information, including passport information, provide the most recent information. These are the most common issues experienced when trying to link an application. Enter your name as it appears on your passport if you applied on paper. This is what we enter into our system. If you’re applying for family sponsorship, in the last question, “Number of family members, including the primary applicant, that are part of this application”, also include the sponsor and the co-signer (if applicable). The number entered will be at least 2. If you selected the option Place of Birth under Applicant’s personal information, enter the “City/town of birth” as it appears on your passport (if applicable) or the IMM 0008 form, if no passport information was provided.
You selected the wrong application category. For some programs, there are different categories you can be invited to apply under. If you were invited to apply under a specific category, make sure you select the right one. For the Canadian experience class, select “Canadian Experience Class” as the sub-category, not “Express Entry”. Similarly, for the Federal Skilled Worker Program and Federal Skilled Trades Program, choose the matching sub-category. For any work permit through International Experience Canada (including open work permits), select the subcategory “International Experience Canada.”
Ось з FAQ від IRCC, це приклад. If you’re applying for family sponsorship, in the last question, “Number of family members, including the primary applicant, that are part of this application”, also include the sponsor and the co-signer (if applicable). The number entered will be at least 2.
Дивіться !! -Гляньте по якой ви програмі іммігруєте. -перевірте номер АОР И UCI що вводите . - в мене ситуація нас 4ро ,1 гр.Конади ,я та чоловік та одна дитина яка не іммігрує,але вона є у системі,тобто вписуємо 3
Ні ! Вам лінк пришлют з АОР Будь ласка на Українській мові звертайтесь
Я тоже пытаюсь разобраться на будущее. Когда получили АОR, какой кабинет моздавать? Можно ли его раньше создать? Что туда грузить? Подскажите, пожалуйста!