Consultation with a doctor
If the fever increases or persists more than 48 hours or if symptoms other than fever worsen or don’t improve after 48 hours for children under 2 years old or 72 hours for children over 2 years old, you must consult a doctor.
To get a medical appointment, see the page Getting a medical consultation with a health professional.
Go to the emergency department immediately
Go to the emergency department if:
your child aged under three months old has:
a fever at a rectal temperature of 38.0 °C (100.4 °F) or higher AND has not been vaccinated in the last 48 hours,
a fever (between 38.0°C and 39.9°C rectal temperature or 100.4°F and 103.8°F) that has lasted for more than 4 hours AND is not alleviated by fever medication,
a fever at a rectal temperature of 40.0 °C (104 °F) or higher.
your child, regardless of age, has:
a rectal temperature of 36.0 °C (96,8 °F) or lower,
a fever of 38.5 °C (101.3 °F) or higher that persists more than 48 hours AND is not alleviated by fever medication;
your child has a chronic illness or a weakened or deficient immune system AND has a temperature over 38.5 °C (101.3 °F);
your child presents moderate to severe signs of dehydration;
its complexion is pale or its skin colour seems abnormal;
its breathing is faster or difficult;
he or she does not respond to stimulation, he or she seems amorphous and less alert;
your child has had febrile seizures for the first time. In this case, you must consult within 4 hours.