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Technology and Innovation is hiring! ADMO Executive Support: Cybersecurity division Job posting: jobpostings.alberta.ca/job/Edmonton-ADMO-Executive-Support/586828117/ Alberta’s government created the CyberAlberta Community of Interest in 2022 to help strengthen the province’s overall cybersecurity posture through information sharing and collaboration. Over 650 individual members representing more than 350 public and private sector organizations in Alberta have joined CyberAlberta's Community of Interest. These sectors are split approximately 60% private and 40% public. Join CyberAlberta: cyberalberta.ca Connect with Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Information Security Officer at Government of Alberta: www.linkedin.com/in/martindineledmonton/
Если меня щас внезапно решат лейофнуть, то получается будет 3 или 3 с половиной (хз как оно точно считается, наверное полные года) ЗПшки разом