Финансы в Канаде
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Q. Will workers who are not citizens or permanent residents (e.g. temporary foreign workers) be eligible?
A. The eligibility criteria relate to workers resident in Canada. Workers who are not citizens or permanent residents – including temporary foreign workers and international students – may be eligible to receive the benefit if they stop working for reasons related to COVID-19 and meet the other eligibility criteria.
Q. If someone who is Canadian earned income abroad, is he/she eligible? Are international students eligible? Can they earn the income outside of Canada or does it have to be income earned on Canadian soil?
A. The intent of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit is to support workers in the Canadian labour force.
• The income does not have to be earned in Canada • The person does have to be residing in Canada • The person needs to have a valid SIN
A Canadian who earned income abroad and who is now residing here is eligible if other conditions are met, if he ceased working, etc. An international student with a valid SIN and currently residing in Canada is eligible if other conditions are met, if he ceased working, etc. A Canadian residing in the UK is not eligible (even if he/she worked in Canada last year).
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Видимо когда появились на оф. странице инфа по этому бенефиту. Это ее страница официальная en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ginette_Petitpas_Taylor
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Ну если после лендинга есть канадский доход, то конечно налогом облагается, но за доход вне Канады для нькамеров налог не оплачивается, как выше сказали, там просто сумма кредитс будут prorated. Что касается foreign income в статусе резидента Канады, то конечно тоже там идут взаиморасчёты и эти доходы для Канады тоже доходы, которые облагаются налогом