Імміграція до Манітоби
I need this one to Evaluate my master degree maybe i will apply in CEC or rural programs So decided to do my Degrees ready
Thank Please in the group if anyone know kindly let me know
If i choose emailed Then my university in Ukraine have to send them my degree through email I think it will be good i can ask university to send my degree to on this Email directly to iqas
Its say its valid for throughout the Canada
I am in Manitoba from last 2 years
Because Wes need sealed envelope of the verified transcript directly from my home country ( where i did bachelor) And it not easy for me to do go all this process and request them to send sealed envelope to WES and or extra headache
Thank u
Отак би кожної вибірки
I am waiting since 1 year at 824
Так, але й часу багато прлцщло
Бал вищий ніж в останній раз
Думаю, тут з такими балами теж небагато
Цікаво, що насправді високих балів у пулі зовсім небагато