(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Це взагалі прикол, ніби театральну виставу прочитала. Нормально налаштовують реднеків
(не фінансова порада. мені так розказували минулого року, коли я запитував як легально тут бути самозайнятим)
при корпорації треба щоб у вас був бухгалтер. це додатковаа витрата на ЗП для нього а самостійно не можна. здається парт-тайм зайнятий бухгалтер підійде. + якщо 1 людина працює в корпорації, то 1 рік на вас ще не звернуть увагу, а на наступний прийде перевірка і вліплять штраф за ухилення від сплати податків
если это правда, то очень смешно чем занималась америка при байдене (мне автокоррекция предложила "бандере" 😁) $22 billion from HHS to provide free housing and cars for illegal aliens. $45 million for diversity, equity, and inclusion scholarships in Burma. $40 million to improve the social and economic inclusion of sedentary migrants. Nobody knows what that is. (Laughter.) $8 million to promote LGBTQI+ in the African nation of Lesotho, which nobody has ever heard of. (Laughter.) $60 million for Indigenous peoples and Afro-Colombian empowerment in Central America. $60 million. $8 million for making mice transgender. (Laughter.) This is real. $32 million for a left-wing propaganda operation in Moldova. $10 million for male circumcision in Mozambique. $20 million for the Arab “Sesame Street” in the Middle East. It’s a program. $20 million for a program. $1.9 billion to recently created decarbonization of homes committee, headed up — and we know she’s involved — just at the last moment, the money was passed over — by a woman named Stacey Abrams. Have you ever heard of her? AUDIENCE: Booo — THE PRESIDENT: A $3.5 million consulting contract for lavish fish monitoring. $1.5 million for voter confidence in Liberia. $14 million for social cohesion in Mali. $59 million for illegal alien hotel rooms in New York City. AUDIENCE: Booo — THE PRESIDENT: He’s a real estate developer. He’s done very well. $250,000 to increase vegan local climate action innovation in Zambia. $42 million for social and behavior change in Uganda. $14 million for improving public procurement in Serbia.
Trump: www.youtube.com/shorts/D6uyVfuLxnc?feature=share
We’re also identifying shocking levels of incompetence and probable fraud in the Social Security program for our seniors and that our seniors and people that we love rely on. Believe it or not, government databases list 4.7 million Social Security members from people aged 100 to 109 years old. THE PRESIDENT: It lists 3.6 million people from ages 110 to 119. I don’t know any of them. I know some people that are rather elderly, but not quite that elderly. (Laughter.) 3.47 million people from ages 120 to 129. 3.9 million people from ages 130 to 139. 3.5 million people from ages 140 to 149. And money is being paid to many of them, and we’re searching right now. In fact, Pam, good luck. Good luck. You’re going to find it. But a lot of money is paid out to people because it just keeps getting paid and paid, and nobody does — and it really hurts Social Security and hurts our country. 1.3 million people from ages 150 to 159. And over 130,000 people, according to the Social Security databases, are age over 160 years old. We have a healthier country than I thought, Bobby. (Laughter and applause.) Including, to finish, 1,039 people between the ages of 220 and 229; one person between the age of 240 and 249; and one person is listed at 360 years of age. AUDIENCE MEMBER: Joe Biden! (Laughter.)
шо там, інвестори?
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