Українська Манітоба
Gemini ось що вмдає It's important to understand that financial support for Ukrainian refugees in Canada can vary depending on several factors, including: * Federal vs. Provincial Support: * The Canadian federal government has implemented measures to support Ukrainians arriving in Canada. * Individual provinces also offer their own support programs, which can vary significantly. * Type of Support: * Support can include one-time financial assistance, ongoing monthly benefits, and settlement services. Here's a breakdown of some key information: * Federal Government Measures: * It is important to note that the federal financial assistance that was provided has ended. * However, the federal government continues to provide settlement services. All Ukrainians and their family members who are in Canada as temporary residents can access free settlement services until March 31, 2025. * You can find more information regarding federal support on the government of Canada webpage. * Provincial Support: * Provinces like Alberta have specific programs, such as the "Ukrainian Evacuee Emergency Financial Support and Benefits program," which provides both one-time and ongoing monthly benefits. The amount of these benefits varies based on household composition and individual circumstances. * To get the most accurate and up to date information, it is best to check the provincial government websites for the province that the Ukrainian refugee is residing in. Therefore, to get precise details about the amount of financial support, it is best to: * Visit the official website of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). * Check the website of the provincial government where the Ukrainian refugee is located. I hope this information is helpful.
ось що мені чатгопота написав: As of March 15, 2025, Ukrainian citizens who arrived in Canada under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) program continue to receive support, though certain benefits have evolved: Settlement Services: Free settlement services for all Ukrainian temporary residents and their family members in Canada are available until March 31, 2025. citeturn0search2 Permit Extensions: Ukrainian nationals who arrived in Canada under CUAET on or before March 31, 2024, can apply for new open work permits, renew existing work permits, or apply for study permits. These applications must be submitted by March 31, 2026, and are subject to standard processing fees. citeturn0search0 Financial Assistance: The one-time financial assistance of $3,000 per adult and $1,500 per child, introduced to assist with initial settlement, was available to those who arrived by March 31, 2024, and applied by June 30, 2024. As this period has passed, this financial support is no longer available. It's important to note that Ukrainian nationals who arrived after March 31, 2024, are no longer eligible for CUAET-specific measures. They must follow standard application processes and pay regular fees for work permits, study permits, or visitor status. citeturn0search3 For the most current information and personalized guidance, consider reaching out to local settlement agencies or consulting official government resources.
А я вже задовбався слухати від різних людей різних національностей, що держава платить 70% зарплати робітнику українцю, а роботодавець платить тільки 30% і тому всі хочуть саме українців наймати 😵💫 я хз що вони курять та як часто бувають на мейн/логан
Я не знаю, де він, кажуть, десь поряд із сауною, а де сауна, нам поки що невідомо 😂