UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦
in Calgary itself, houses will be more expensive, I understand correctly?
it is too early to discuss the purchase of housing, so far the rent
we are considering most likely a private house near the city, since we have a large family.
how do you end up living in Сalgary?
Yes, that's why Quebec was thrown back
There are only 2 cities to live in Alberta. Calgary and Edmonton, exact city doesn't matter. Both are affordable. Ontario is impossible to live its too expensive, I lived there for 12 years. A small house is 800,000$. Quebec will never accept you unless you speak French
Добрый вечер,расскажите пожалуйста как вы выбрали Калгари? У нас все началось с Онтарио,потом Кьюбэк,потом решили опять Онтарио а теперь Альберта...не можем выбрать куда лучше лететь что бы и работа была и уровень жизни не дорого и погода,и для детей все было
#BREAKING 🇷🇺❌🇵🇱🇺🇦❗️— Polish Radio Zet reports Two stray missiles fell in the Polish town of Przewodów on the Polish side of the Poland border with Ukraine! They hit the grain dryers. Two Polish Citizens died during the attack. The local police, the prosecutor's office and the units of Polish Army are on site