UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦
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Не беріть 2 поверхове, тут стелі низькі, наверху буде важко дихати. Купили синові таке як пішов в 1 клас: знизу стіл,зверху ліжко, спати не міг,казав,що важко дихати, снились кошмари. Я там лягла постати і справді жарко і не хватає повітря,а тут ще нижчі стелі
Наткнулась на пост: Bobcat acting aggressively on Regent Crescent I have seen a few posts about bobcats in the area lately, and several neighbours have spotted them in their yards- I am not usually one to get too alarmed, we live in Calgary- there are bound to be animals… But the aggressive behaviour in this latest experience definitely heightens my concern: My husband encountered a bobcat while walking our large dog this morning. It came down the tree and seemed to be assessing whether to attack, it was not afraid at all of making itself known. Husband crossed the street to avoid, but Concerned that it was a small dog or a child, this could be a very dangerous situation. I have reported to 311 Please watch your small animals and children.