Всім добрий вечір!
Таке питання: мамі прийшов запит на вклейку візи у посольство. Мама у Відні, прийшла туди, а вони їй дали декілька папірців підписати і в тому числі цей. Мамі 65. Хто мав таке саме, що порадите підписувати верхнє, чи нижнє поле?
Applicants wishing to provide biometrics
I confirm that I have reviewed the biometrics validity and requirement tool on the
Government of Canada’s website and will be providing my biometric enrolment in
accordance with the information provided on the Government of Canada’s website. I
have made this decision of my own free will and without any influence or suggestions
from the VAC staff.
Name: _________
Signature: _________
Date: ________
Applicants NOT wishing to provide biometrics
I confirm that I have reviewed the biometrics validity and requirement tool on the
Government of Canada’s website and have decided NOT to provide my biometric
enrolment. I have made this choice of my own free will and without any influence or
suggestions from the VAC staff. I understand that this may result in the refusal of my
application without further communication from IRCC.
Name: _________
Signature: _________