Финансы в Канаде
Вот вот. 21 век...технологии Не тупее нас
я думаю eligible если в пределах этого периода и все остальное выполняется.
Ну поправь если я что-то не так описал, но по идее это один из немногих способов income splitting - 3 года отлеживается на RRSP и attribution rule перестает действовать. Выводишь деньги на жену под меньший или нулевой брекет (в случае если жена домохозяйка, как описала выше @Korica)
Муж использует СВОЙ рум чтобы положить на имя ЖЕНЫ. Ей НЕ НУЖНО иметь СВОЙ рум.
Advantages of spousal RRSPs To understand the tax benefits that spousal RRSPs make possible, consider this example. Imagine either yourself or your spouse/partner earns more than the other. One of you makes $100,000 a year, and the other makes $50,000. Individual RRSP limits are 18% of your income from the prior year’s taxes, up to a maximum dollar amount that changes annually. The latest limits can be found here. If you both had RRSPs to which only the owner could contribute, the person earning $100,000 could put $18,000 into to your RRSP (18% of your income) while the person earning $50,000 can contribute the same percentage, $9,000.
When you open a spousal RRSP, you can even things out a little bit. The person earning more money can contribute, say, $14,000 into theirs and $4,000 into their spouse/partners. They can still take the total $18,000 deduction on their income tax (and the other person will still contribute the $9,000 and take that deduction too).
Without spousal RRSPs, at retirement one person will have $1 million in savings while the other will have $400,000. At a standard 4% withdrawal rate, one spouse will be taking a $40,000 a year income and paying a lot of taxes! The other will only be taking $16,000 a year. Should they open a spousal RRSP they could equalize the retirement savings between them so that each one has a pot of around $700,000 and is withdrawing about $28,000 a year.