Часто пишут с просьбой о помощи составить резюме, скину сюда текст которым поделилась Дарья:
This is the resume I used to get my job at Microsoft in 2019.
While it's certainly not perfect, there are a few things that helped me in the process and I'll show them to you, using colors 👇
[1] Format
Don't worry about searching for fancy, colorful, complex templates. A black&white plain old boring template works.
Recruiters & hiring managers care about your accomplishments and about you, not about the colors you chose for your resume (unless you are a designer or something similar).
[2] Write accomplishments with X-Y-Z
Most of my accomplishments written using as a base the X-Y-Z formula (shared by Google recruiters)
"Accomplished [X], as measured by [Y], by doing [Z]"
Follow it as close as possible, but don't be afraid to put your own style into it (as long as you share your X,Y & Z)
[3] Use strong verbs (red 🔴)
Start every accomplishment with a verb in past tense.
- Strong Verbs (Led) >>>> Soft Verbs (Assisted)
- Try to use verbs relevant to the role. For PM I used: Led, Designed, Researched, Prioritized, etc.
[4] Relevant Skills (blue 🔵)
Notice how I don't have a "skills section" full of Product Manager keywords like "cross-functional", "leadership", "prioritization", "Roadmap"?
The keywords in blue are embedded in my accomplishments. I'm showing the context of how I used those skills to help customers, my team, and/or the organization.
I took these keywords from job descriptions I wanted to apply to.
[5] Show your impact (yellow 🟡)
Not every accomplishment has to have impact, but try to add as many as you can. Impact shows that:
- You can do the job
- You can do it well
- You can make a difference
Anyone can "complete a project in time", but not everyone can "complete a project in time by doing xxxxx, and having an impact of yyyyy"
If you struggle to find the impact, think about this:
- What is it that without YOU it wouldn't have been possible? What did it cause (impact)? How did you measure what happened?
[6] Technical Skills (green 🟢)
I write down all the technical skills that I know and can show some 'proof' (a test, a score, etc.). Many of these are taken from the job descriptions I was applying to.
A few things to remember:
- 'sprinkle' tech(hard) skills here and there
- don't throw all of them in a giant skills section
- don't have 🟢 > 🔵 (unless you go for Software Engineer roles)
[7] Other stuff to keep in mind
Length? 1, 2, 3 pages are ok. You may have a lot of experience. Make it RELEVANT, that's what matters.
Tailoring your resume to the job >>>> almost everything else.
Don't submit the same resume to every job.
Triple-check for grammar/spelling mistakes.
BONUS: While I worked on my resume for a while (and there's still A LOT of room for improvement), what got me my recent jobs was the fact that I networked a lot.
Don't underestimate the power of networking.
by Diego Granados (from LinkedIn)