Подаватися ви можете. Але не факт, що отримаєте номінацію через те, що чоловік працює в іншій провінції. Ваша задача буде - довести МПНП, шо ви разом з чоловіком маєте 100% намір жити саме в Манітобі. І шо оте шо він працює в іншій провінції ніяк не впливає на ваше 100% рішення жити в Манітобі. Як ви це будете доводити - то ваша справа.
If I have dependants, relatives, or friends living somewhere else in Canada, will that cause my application to be automatically refused?
In the Declaration of Intent submitted as part of the application, you declare that you understand that Manitoba only nominates individuals who intend to reside in Manitoba along with your dependent family members. The MPNP strongly encourages you to demonstrate to the MPNP that you will meet this requirement whether you have or do not have relatives, dependants, or friends in another province. If, for example, a dependant is studying in another province, you might consider moving this dependant to an educational facility in Manitoba to demonstrate a commitment to the province.
Having friends or relatives in another province does not automatically cause an application to be refused. However, the MPNP must be convinced that the applicant will not come to Canada and reside in the province where those friends or relatives currently reside. It is up to you to convince the MPNP of your sincerity to relocate to Manitoba.