Імміграція до Манітоби
Pandemic cut immigration to Manitoba in half in 2020. Immigration to Manitoba dropped in half last year, when the pandemic restricted international travel and extended the time it took for Ottawa to process immigration applications. Manitoba gained 8,628 immigrants in 2020, according to the provincial budget published Wednesday. That's a 54-per-cent drop from 2019, when the province gained 18,921 immigrants. www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-pandemic-immigration-1.5980689
Зрозуміла ...
Нас це очікує через місяць :(, а вам запит прийшов на нову медецину?
Наталія, ви ж отримали PR visa, чи я щось плутаю?
Просто розіслали той самий лист ще раз