Імміграція до Манітоби
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В нас COPR expire on 21 may 2021
Сьогодні получили лист від імміграйшн extract: At this time, to protect Canadians from COVID-19, travel restrictions are in place for individuals travelling to Canada. Even people with a confirmation of permanent residence (CoPR) and a permanent resident visa (PRV) counterfoil (if applicable), CANNOT TRAVEL TO CANADA at this time to become permanent residents unless they are exempt from the travel restrictions. Do not worry if your documents are near expiry. We will contact you with further instructions if your documents expire before the travel restrictions are lifted. We will then work with you at that time to re-issue or extend the validity of your documents when it is safer to travel. Travel Restrictions Compliance and Enforcement We want you to eventually come to Canada safely and legally. Please note if you don’t follow the instructions provided to and try to travel to Canada right now, you could face a signficant ticket or fine. Entering Canada is an offence under the Quarantine Act. For more information see Consequences for failure to comply with the Emergency order. Please learn about how COVID-19 is affecting immigration services and how it affects travel, quarantine and borders for the latest information on travel restrictions before making any travel plans and again before departing for Canada to avoid being denied boarding or entry in Canada.
только через VPN доступен
Ми коли подавались на візитерську візу з дружиною, то вказували свій рахунок, той який був в подальшому для подачі на провінційний етап, федеральний. Там сума більша, ніж Ви вказали, візу відкрили з першого разу. Тоді ковідом ше не пахло, але зараз людям також відкривають візи. Я чомусь думаю, що ключовим в цьому всьому є мотиваційний лист.