To Embassy of Canada
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you in advance for taking your time to consider this letter, main purpose of which is to explain why me and
my husband are applying for temporary visitor visas to Canada for the period ххх–ххх
My name is ХХХ, I’m citizen of Ukraine, currently obtaining the position of ХХХ in
ХХХ. My husband, ХХХ, citizen of Ukraine, is working as ХХХ in
Thanks to support of Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Manitoba Provincial Council, in frame of the Manitoba
Provincial Nominee Program, we were invited to the exploratory visit to Winnipeg. During the visit, planned for 19.09.2019
– 28.09.2019 we hope to discover different aspects of the living in Winnipeg (including housing, education, lifestyle
opportunities etc.) in order to discuss on the interview with the MPNP representative our perspectives of immigration to the
province (in other words, if the province can consider us as a eligeble candidates for further support).
We do not take our two children (ХХ and ХХ years old) with us to Canada so they will stay at home (they are pupils
of ХХth and ХХst classes and will have to attend a school classes). My mother, who is a pensioner, will come to us from ХХХ
to take care of our daughter and son temporary on the period of our absence. My elderly father is feeling not very well and
can’t join my mom for childcare, so he will stay at their home in ХХХ and will be waiting the returning of my mom there.
For this trip, we are taking our paid annual vacations, so after returning home we will have our jobs valid for us
(moreover, I have already scheduled business-trip – please, find attached an order from my employer as a proof).
We have prepared the detailed plan of our stay in the Capital of Friendly Manitoba to get to know it from all aspects: