Українська Манітоба
Треба квитки в Польшу глянути😂
Привіт. Хто звертався до стоматологів, що по цінах?) зламався передній зуб😅 Не пишіть, що дорого, бо знаю. Але може маєте якихось стоматологів хороших і приблизно хоч ціну скільки може коштувати таке задоволення, дякую
HELP! Порадьте будь ласка яку ковдру обрати для зими, якщо квартира тепла - Warm чи Light Warm (IKEA)?
My Account for Individuals You will have to complete two steps. Step 1 – Provide personal information Enter your social insurance number. Enter your date of birth. Enter your current postal code or ZIP code. Enter an amount you entered on one of your income tax and benefit returns. Have a copy of your returns handy. The line amount requested will vary, it could be from the current tax year or the previous one. To register, a return for one of these two years must have been filed and assessed. Create a CRA user ID and password. Create your security questions and answers. You can also decide if you want a persistent cookie added to your computer, so you can access CRA sign-in services using that same computer later without being asked for more identification. Enroll in mandatory multi-factor authentication by selecting your preferred method (telephone or passcode grid). For more information, see multi-factor authentication.