Финансы в Канаде
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Canada’s five-year government bond yield, which leads fixed mortgage rates, surged past 1 per cent on Friday morning, its highest since before the Bank of Canada cut rates last March. That’s a 50-basis-point move in nine trading days, the likes of which we haven’t seen since 2010. (There are 100 basis points in a percentage point.) In late afternoon trading on Friday, the yield slipped back down to 0.89 per cent.
TD Canada Trust was the first big bank to react Friday with a boost, by a quarter of a percentage point, to its “special” five-year fixed rates. At 2.24 per cent, its uninsured five-year fixed is now the highest it’s been since September. Other major banks should be right on TD’s coattails.
Не Канада, но захватывающее чтиво о том как одного мужика достали коллекторы с фейковым долгом. Посмотрим, глядишь о нём и фильм снимут
Кто может посоветовать новичку в Канаде куда инвестировать средства вместо депозита в банке? С минимум заморочек в налоговой
www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/t4002/t4002-1.html chapter 2 for details