Ванкуверская Беседка
Do you know of any other cities similar to Kelowna? Worth considering?
Well, I live in prince George 5 years, and I went to most of the cities in the northern BC (PG, Mackenzie, fort st john, vanderhoof, quesnal, Williams lake , kamloops... etc).
So personally if I rank the best cities in BC, I would say
1- Victoria, 2- kelowna, 3- Vancouver, 4- prince George . . And so on...
It's according to my personal preference... I am from Cairo Egypt, and I hate big cities.
Kelowna for me is similar to Sharm El shakh city in Egypt. So everyone one have different experience.
For example, I visited Moscow, st. Petersburg, volgograd, Grozney. And I liked St. Petersburg and Grozney more than Moscow.
So It's so hard to tell. You should visit first
Thanks for detailed response ! Yes, I am planning to visit.. just researching the short list of cities :)
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