Ванкуверская Беседка
Not at all. Feel free not to repost this.
You don't need to respond and thank me. That was pretty clear two replies ago.
can you please stop being so rude !!
If you don't like something, just ignore it.
If I post something not appropriate, then the Admin can remove it.
Can you please stopped tagging me in your reply. It's getting annoying.
Again, thanks for your sweet feedback and please ignore that video and enjoy your day.
Have a good night
No, I can't.
I don't want to ignore bad things.
It is up to admins.
No, I can't. You said that your previous message was last with me. Why do you write this one?
Not at all. I don't want to ignore it.
without tagging anyone
У меня $60 за 300/15 MBit от Shaw. Контракт на 2 года. Некоторое время назад заходил промоутер от Telus и предлагал переключиться на fiber с хорошим исходящим каналом. Говорил, что Telus компенсирует cancelation fee (у меня заканчивается в ноябре).
No, I don’t understand. You are making same mistake again and again. Feel free to stop responding.
First of all, I'm not rude at all.
Secondly, No, they can't stop me from replying. Because this is one of the rules in this group. Literally.
Rule #4: During communication use reply and don't split messages.
You btw supposed to read them upon joining this group.
What a waste of time responding to you.
It's my fault that I considered you a mature person and I respect you.
Looks like you're a kid playing with your phone for first time and enjoy being annoying to strangers.
This is my last message. And please stop
Thanks Have a good night
Ох уж эти ожесточенные битвы за клиента! Но с такими ценами на интернет это немудрено. Я когда местным рассказываю, что в России платил 10$ за полный безлимит вижу, конечно, ошарашенный взгляд и непонимание
Why do you wasting your time responding then? I thought that you decided to stop doing that 3-4 messages ago. As "mature person" supposed to do, probably.
You can think about me whatever you want.
Yes, I am a kid. Who aren't? And I don't use phone. I have fully fledged computer for that.
This is yours second "last message". Interesting how far can we get.
Нет, ну это уж слишком 😁 4 чашки кофе в Тимми и у тебя безлимит
Ну за 7кад это не безлимит вроде.
Даже если и один гиг уже хорошо. Я если свой месячный лимит превышаю у меня по 5$ за 100мб идёт потом 😁😭
Тут не столько стоимость раздражает, сколько покрытие за эти деньги. Могли бы и побольше сделать.