(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Та хаус то домашняя штука
В том и дело что хаус этот они делают на отлично бо учатся с самого детства
Мне кажется сложно сделать что то еще хуже
Постмотри что они делают из набора Gingerbread house
И сразу под ним из Киева
Который постят в инсту
Вариант декора из «хорошей» кафешки в галифаксе
Блин это уже даже не смешно
‼️Shelling of Kherson Oblast: Yesterday, the Russian army shelled Kherson Oblast 74 times. As of 12:23 PM GMT +2, there are 35 wounded in Kherson, 16 of whom are in critical condition. At least 5 more people were killed. Twitter Instagram
⚡️Key Takeaways from the Institute for the Study of War as of December 23: 🔻ISW assesses that the Kremlin has been setting conditions for a new, most dangerous course of action (MDCOA)—a renewed offensive from Belarus possibly aimed at Kyiv—since at least October 2022. 🔻The Kremlin may be conducting an information operation or may actually be preparing for this MDCOA, which ISW continues to assess to be unlikely but possible. 🔻Prominent Russian pro-war military bloggers are amplifying the possibility of the MDCOA over the winter-spring period. 🔻The Russian military continues to trip indicators for the MCDOA, reinforcing an information operation designed to establish the plausibility of the MDCOA or preparations to execute it. 🔻The Russian military has more clearly been setting conditions for an offensive in northwestern Luhansk Oblast. 🔻Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is reportedly preparing to present a peace plan in February 2023, which could be timed to exploit a failed Russian winter offensive. 🔻Russian President Vladimir Putin’s renewed public appearances likely indicate that he has become more concerned about his popularity and image in Russia. 🔻Russian forces conducted at least two reconnaissance-in-force operations in northern and northeastern Ukraine on December 22-23. 🔻Ukrainian forces likely made tactical gains east and south of Bakhmut City over the past 72 hours. 🔻Russian forces are continuing to establish defensive positions in the left bank of Kherson and Zaporizhia Oblasts and are conducting defensive operations in southern Ukraine. 🔻The Kremlin is intensifying its censorship efforts to silence concerns over an expansion of the Russian Armed Forces and a second mobilization wave. 🔻Ukrainian partisans continued to target Russian officials in occupied territories. Twitter Instagram
Мне сообщили, что в вендис самые крутые бургеры, это правда? В частности беконатор
Співчуваю з Бітріксом. Ангуляр, Вью чи Реакт повинні бути, якщо на з фронтом цікавлять вакансії
Зря. Сильно менее геморно выходит. А деньги на бирже всего несколько минут
Містер Бін не дасть збрехати, що пацики теж на міні люблять паганять😂
Підтверджую. Краще везти не більше 10к, бо будете декларувати і це замає десь 40-60 хвилин. В мене було 12к, я чесно про це сказала. Спитали за доки - я сунула квитанції. Вони такі - а ви будете декларувати на в‘їзді в Молдову? Я кажу - так. Вони - тоді давайте вказуйте 10к там просто, а ми вас так пропустим. Щоб у нас з молдаванами бази зійшлися потім. Я так зрозуміла, що їм лінь було возитися зі мною))
Future maintenance costs - The Cooper is shaping up to be a very expensive vehicle if you own it more than a few years. Finding qualified maintenance personnel - In California and larger states, you're good. If you move to a less populous state, you're going to have problems.
I would never recommend a MINI to anyone who can't repair it themselves. Mechanically it's pretty simple. But the electronics age very quickly. Original parts are stupidly expensive.
Just don't buy a modern Mini thinking you will be driving it for over 10 years. Go look for a Toyota instead hey are very expensive to repair, and they break way more frequently than other “high quality” car makers like Toyota and Lexus.
На рахунок реальних кейсів я тому і запитую в групі, можливо хто вже в Канаді, чи все нормально було при знятті коштів з банкоматів( коли в тебе картка укр банку)
23 Jan 2023, 01:02
2 minutes ago