Ванкуверская Беседка
CTV News: Canada will let fully vaccinated American travellers into country on Aug. 9, others on Sept. 7. www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/canada-will-let-fully-vaccinated-american-travellers-into-country-on-aug-9-others-on-sept-7-1.5514869
Интересно, а на детей до 12 лет с вакцинированными сопровождающими это распространяется?
а там же сказано - unvaccinated dependents are exempt from quarantine starting August 9
FYI: вот сорс, если что. www.canada.ca/en/public-health/news/2021/07/government-of-canada-announces-easing-of-border-measures-for-fully-vaccinated-travellers.html?s=09
Не вижу там, такого, пишут:
Unvaccinated American children under the age of 12 and unvaccinated dependent children will be able to accompany a fully vaccinated parent, step-parent, or legal guardian and forgo the 14-day quarantine but must follow relevant public health guidelines in the region they’re visiting.
ок, не именно там, например:
Canada will update the rules for children under age 12 who are not eligible for a vaccine. Starting August 9, unvaccinated dependents of fully vaccinated travellers will no longer have to complete the full 14-day quarantine. Instead, they will have to follow public health measures for that amount of time. They will still be subject to all entry and testing requirements, including on-arrival and day eight testing. This includes those travelling from the U.S. for discretionary purposes. Officials also said that come September, when tourists from all countries are allowed to enter, these measures will apply to their unvaccinated children as well.
Officials also announced today that as of Aug. 9, children under 12 — who aren't yet approved to receive a vaccine — will be exempt from the quarantine requirement after entering Canada and can move around with their parents if they follow public health measures.
да - с рабочей визой он не нужен и сейчас. статья о том, что с 9 августа въезд разрешен даже туристам
До среды должны же пересмотреть. Или продлить, или открыть.
А есть ссылка на то, что карантин сейчас не нужен с рабочей визой? И какой конкретно карантин 3 дня в отеле или 14 дней дома?
👍 Спасибо