(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Вчера залом паспорта на вклейку визы пока что без одобрения детям
Ше можете почитати різницю між ПР і громадянством. Там, якщо не хочете стати президентом або просто голосувати, то мало різниці. Багато хто доооовго живе просто на ПР... Але чим швидше найдете роботу і почнете працювати, тим більше досвіду заробите до закінчення ВП. Ну і третій нюанс - то погода. Краще приїжджати не зимою, так буде легше адаптуватися. Ше напевно є нюанси
Only the five (5) years preceding the date of your application is considered your eligibility period. Within that five-year period: Every day you spent in Canada as a permanent resident counts as a full day. Every day you spent in Canada as a temporary resident or protected person before you become a permanent resident counts as a half day up to a maximum of 365 days. Therefore, in order to get the maximum 365 day credit you need to be physically present in Canada as a temporary resident for 730 days during your eligibility period. Time spent serving a sentence in Canada does not count towards the physical presence requirement (i.e. you cannot count time spent serving a term of imprisonment, probation and/or on parole as physical presence). See Question 11 for exceptions to this rule.