(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
профессионал в waterfall😂
## IBM (pre screen) 1. Tell me about yourself? 2. What is your current responsibilities on your job? 3. Is it okay if you downgrade in our company? (Lead now → Senior there) 4. Do you want to transfer to dev in the future? Or stay in QA domain? 5. Describe shift left approach you implied on your current role? (Question based on resume) 6. What test management tools are you using on your current project? 7. What tools are you using in your test automation framework? 8. How are you going to manage communication in the team where team members are located in three different continents? 9. Rate yourself in different areas (1-10): 1. Manual QA part 2. Your primary coding language 3. ETL testing 4. Performance testing 5. Web-testing 6. Accessibility testing 7. Mobile 8. Test strategy and test plan creation 9. Waterfall methodology