(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
dou.ua/forums/topic/37212/#2371793 комментов у него, дофигаща конечно
#вакансія amazon web services I hope all is well. I'm a Technical Recruiter at Amazon supporting AWS and found your profile this morning. It looks like you could be a fit one of our Front-End Engineer opportunities and I wanted to reach out and see if you’re open to a quick call to discuss in more detail? If so, please let me know what times are best for us to connect. Thanks and have a great day! Best, Andre ----------- Andre Roman Technical Recruiter | Amazon Web Services Phone - (650) 272-2319 Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter
там майк на доу рекламил, надо поискать
Задаюсь питанням, яким способом ви перетинаєте кордон України? Чоловіки категорії 18-60😅
Beginning on April 25, 2022, U.S.-based individuals and entities can apply to DHS to sponsor Ukrainian citizens who have been displaced by Russia’s aggression through the Uniting for Ukraine process, which will go live that day on the DHS website. Any U.S. citizen or individual, including representatives of non-government organizations, can sponsor Ukrainian applicants. Individuals and organizations seeking to sponsor Ukrainian citizens in the United States will be required to declare their financial support and pass security background checks to protect against exploitation and abuse. The Department of Homeland Security will administer the program. Eligibility requirements will include required vaccinations and other public health requirements, as well as biographic and biometric screening, vetting, and security checks. www.dhs.gov/news/2022/04/21/president-biden-announce-uniting-ukraine-new-streamlined-process-welcome-ukrainians короче, нужен спонсор
Welcome to Canada, eh!
Ну у тебя один из вопросов был или можно въехать и вернуться, по такой визе - нет, на основании тех данных, что я видел На другие вопросы я не могу ответить, по этому рекомендую обратиться в тот чат, так как там больше людей и больше людей получили такую визу
Тут більше чи є опція вклеїти візу