Всем привет. Подскажите пожалуйста отправлял кризис форму по тому что допустил ошибку в имени дочери в анкете. Пришёл ответ, я так понял надо заполнить какую-то вебформу. Но не могу понять какую...
Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
You have reached our dedicated team for individuals affected by the situation in Ukraine.
We verified the information you provided; however, we require further information in order to access the file.
In order to better assist you, we invite you to resubmit your request by filling out the IRCC Web form and by adding the keyword UKRAINE2022 in the Tell us about your situation box in order for us to prioritize your request. Please also include the following information: