Pets to Canada
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Я отправляла в октябре Двоих французов в калгари отлично доехали
А какая цена, не подскажите? Понимаю, у всех разные страны вылета, хоть примерно.
Сколько вам это обошлось? Скажите пожалуйста
1500$ мы отправляли двоих с Киева ещё, самих через перевозчика, там их встретили
Cześć! :) First you need to get import permit. You need ti have your birds microchipped if they don't have leg bands. In addition to the import permit, the CFIA requires that an international veterinary export certificate from the central veterinary authority (Powiatowy lekarz weterynarii in polish) in the country of origin accompany the birds to Canada.
The following statements must appear on the certificate:
Within the preceding six months, no cases of notifiable avian influenza (NAI) have been reported in the country of origin. The birds were inspected within 72 hours of shipment, and they have shown no clinical sign of infection with a virus that would be considered NAI in poultry, no clinical signs suggestive of infection by Newcastle disease virus (NDV), and no clinical signs of any other communicable disease of avian species. The birds were kept in isolation that was approved by the central veterinary authority in the country of origin since they were hatched or for at least the 21 days prior to shipment and showed no clinical sign of infection with NDV or with a virus that would be considered NAI in poultry during the isolation period. The birds were subjected to a diagnostic test within 14 days prior to shipment to demonstrate freedom from infection with a virus that would be considered NAI in poultry. (Identify the agent, using polymerase chain reaction [PCR] or virus isolation, as outlined in the World Organisation for Animal Health [OIE] Terrestrial Manual; cloacal swabs are adequate.) The testing should be performed at a national veterinary services laboratory in the country of origin, and a copy of the test results must accompany the shipment. The birds have not been vaccinated against NAI or NDV. After due inquiry and discussion with the owner, the certifying veterinarian is satisfied that the birds to be exported will not have contact with other birds (other than those intended for export to Canada) for the duration of the pre-embarkation isolation, nor will the owner have contact with other birds. The owner has been instructed that the birds are to be transported in new or appropriately sanitized containers. This is the website with the requirements to import a pet bird:
Они в калгари, можем дружить😁мы собираемся ехать
Спасибо, будем узнавать. Также Варшава-Торонто.
Мы, правда, переживаем, как будет погрузка-выгрузка .. какое отношение. Чтоб не так, как с чемоданами 😥