Канадський Марк Chat
Congratulations! You are among the first 500 passengers to submit an application for the initial stage of the Ukraine2Canada Travel Fund. Please note that this does not mean that you will receive tickets, as our Canadian coordinating partner, MOSAIC, now needs to confirm that you are eligible for the program and accept your application. In order to qualify for this program you must meet all of the eligibility criteria below:
Your final destination must be Canada You must be able to travel within 4 weeks of submitting your application For the U2C program, at least one family member must possess a CUAET (Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel) visa issued by the Canadian government. (Other family members with legal permission to travel to Canada are also eligible) Every passenger must have valid travel documents to enter Canada. If traveling in a group, you must only be traveling with immediate family members. You can submit one application for all of your immediate family members. Immediate family members include grandparents, parents, siblings, spouse, children, and grandchildren. (Distant relatives or friends must apply separately). You must not have any current applications for sponsored travel to Canada from any other individuals or organizations. Please don’t submit an application if you are already approved for sponsored travel to Canada from any other individuals or organizations. Here are the next steps: Your application will now be reviewed for eligibility by our Canadian non-profit coordinating partner, MOSAIC. By June 17th, MOSAIC will contact you to confirm any information as part of the eligibility review. Upon successful eligibility review, MOSAIC will reach out to you with further steps. Once you’ve arrived safely in Canada, we will send you a survey so you can share your feedback on how we can improve this process for the next batch of applicants.
win skazaw shcho odrazu pislia togo jak wyslaw wono jomu pryjshlo
tak shcho neznaju tochno ale niby je pidtwerdzhennia
Дякую не знаю теж ніби встигла і ....ніц
А може то від міста куди він хотів залежить?
Хтось ще отримав підтвердження?
Питання до підготовлених -напишіть будь ласка, весь перелік документів, які треба підготовити до перельоту і що саме з перекладом!
Доброго времени суток. Подскажите пожалуйста, есть ли какая интерактивная карта Эдмонтонта по криминалу?. Хочу понять какие районы не безопасны.
Якщо бандерштат то твоє то нема там криміналу для тебе) Якщо ні.....
Не очень понял. Можно пожалуйста ответить корректно?
Так кто подскажет что по районам?
ок. які райони не безпечні?
є інтерактивна карта як у Калгарі?