Финансы в Канаде
а почему эх? это ж хорошо
The REITs were funded with money from all over the world. An investment company in Qatar, the Korea Exchange Bank on behalf of the country’s national pension, shell companies in California, the Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands — all contributed to Colony American Homes.
это просто прекрасно
"обычным левацким ламентом" это было бы если в США не было одних из самых больших в мире неравенств и бедности. А также удвоившегося maternal mortality rate с 90х и превышающего этот показатель даже в странах третьего мира. Что то либертарианцы делают не так. Недвижимость это один пункт.
On the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), one type of trading curb is referred to as a "circuit breaker". These limits were put in place after Black Monday in 1987 in order to reduce market volatility and massive panic sell-offs, giving traders time to reconsider their transactions. The regulatory filing that makes circuit breakers mandatory on United States stock exchanges is Securities and Exchange CommissionRule 80B.[1] It is there that the specifics of circuit breakers are elaborated and the various price limits are outlined for investors to see. The most recently updated amendment of rule 80B went into effect on April 8, 2013, and has three tiers of thresholds that have different protocols for halting trading and closing the markets. At the start of each day, the NYSE sets three circuit breaker levels at levels of 7% (Level 1), 13% (Level 2) and 20% (Level 3). These thresholds are the percentage drops in value that the S&P 500 Indexwould have to suffer in order for a trading halt to occur.