Финансы в Канаде
За новостями слежу, складывается впечатление что должно быть наоборот. Вопрос был скорее про поспекулировать на тему
Capital cost This is the amount on which you first claim CCA. The capital cost of a rental property is usually the total of:
the purchase price, not including the cost of land
the part of your legal, accounting, engineering, installation, and other fees that relates to the purchase or construction of the rental property, excluding the part that applies to the land
the cost of any additions or improvements you made to the rental property after you acquired it, provided you have not claimed these costs as current expenses
for a building, soft costs (such as interest, legal and accounting fees, and property taxes) related to the period you are constructing, renovating, or altering the building, if you have not deducted these expenses as current expenses
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