Финансы в Канаде
Dear Yulia,
In the past few weeks, the market has been unpredictable. This volatility can make investment planning difficult, especially if you’re new to investing.
While no one likes uncertainty, it’s important to remember that volatility in the market is perfectly normal.
In the past, bear markets (meaning markets that have had a recent period of overall negative performance) have historically been followed by a period of bullish growth (meaning that they have had a recent period of overall positive performance), usually recovering those losses and more in the years that followed.
The following chart shows how the U.S. stock market has rebounded from significant pull backs or crises over the past 50 years, and its performance during those bear and subsequent bull market periods.
О, тоже пришло. Осталось ещё напомнить людям что самые успешные инвесторы те кто или 1) ушёл в мир иной или 2) забыл логин/пароль в свой счёт бгг
не влезло все As you can see, the index has not only recovered from past losses but has gone on to generate positive returns. While history does not guarantee what might happen in the future, it can provide context about how the market has recovered from prior events.
Investing during volatile markets can be tough. The best way to navigate uncertainty is to improve understanding. That’s why we’re constantly publishing new articles to our Learning Centre to help you improve your understanding of how the market works.
Our entire Questrade team is here to support you during this time.
Sincerely, Team Questrade
может они прислали тем у кого аккаунты этого года? чтоб не перепугались и не вывели бабло
Я чекнула в почте, время от времени они присылают всякие письма с типа полезной информацией, да. Т.е это не первое от них письмо
или я в элитном клубе а ты нет!)(ахаха)
Постоянно что-то присылают, в основном обучающе-информационное. Про текущую ситуацию на рынке - первый раз.