Українці ВЖЕ в Канаді 2.0. Адаптація
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‼️ Заробляйте, коли вам зручно UberEats ✅Власний графік ✅Заробляйте на своїх умовах ✅Все необхідне в одному додатку 👉👉👉Почати роботу
Hi people join the revolution with AIFund channel: @RuskioFund [a lot|lots] of good features to be released shortly to help everybody make cash in decentralized finance. Don't miss this opportunity, Launch soon!
ever heard of @RlDECandlet channel? their pumps are fr good if you are interested to make a lot of money here on Bsc. I usually earn about $2500.0-$3000.0 on a weekly basis :)
ever heard of @RlDECandlet channel? its pumps are really beautiful if you're interested to earn lots of money here on Bsc. I usually earn about $2000.0 weekly (:
hello boys join the defi revolution with AIFund channel: @Kotonders [a lot|lots] of beautiful features will be released shortly to help everyone make money in decentralized finance. Dont miss this opportunity, Launch soon!
Имиграционного консультанта посоветуйте в Виннипеге.
ever heard of @BuckPucks channel? its pumps are fr beautiful if you are interested to earn a lot of money here on Binance smart chain. I usually make about 1500$ on a weekly basis (-:
здравствуйте, приехал в Польшу до войны по визе, виза кончилась в сентябре 22 года, планирую лететь ехать в Барселону и оттуда лететь в Калгари. Кто может подсказать, могут ли быть проблемы с тем что я без оснований на находился на в евросоюзе и смогу ли я спокойно вылететь в Канаду? не будет проблем с паспортом и не департируют ли меня?
hello people join the de-fi revolution with AI Fund channel: @Redyrects [a lot|lots] of beautiful features will be released shortly to help everyone make cash in defi. Don't miss this opportunity, Launch soon!
Hey guys join the decentralized finance revolution with AI Fund channel: @Redyrects [a lot|lots] of nice features to be released shortly to help everybody make cash in defi. Don't miss this chance, Launch very soon