Українці ВЖЕ в Канаді 2.0. Адаптація
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‼️ Заробляйте, коли вам зручно UberEats ✅Власний графік ✅Заробляйте на своїх умовах ✅Все необхідне в одному додатку 👉👉👉Почати роботу
Hi people join the revolution with AIFund channel: @RuskioFund [a lot|lots] of good features to be released shortly to help everybody make cash in decentralized finance. Don't miss this opportunity, Launch soon!
ever heard of @RlDECandlet channel? their pumps are fr good if you are interested to make a lot of money here on Bsc. I usually earn about $2500.0-$3000.0 on a weekly basis :)
ever heard of @RlDECandlet channel? its pumps are really beautiful if you're interested to earn lots of money here on Bsc. I usually earn about $2000.0 weekly (:
hello boys join the defi revolution with AIFund channel: @Kotonders [a lot|lots] of beautiful features will be released shortly to help everyone make money in decentralized finance. Dont miss this opportunity, Launch soon!
Имиграционного консультанта посоветуйте в Виннипеге.
ever heard of @BuckPucks channel? its pumps are fr beautiful if you are interested to earn a lot of money here on Binance smart chain. I usually make about 1500$ on a weekly basis (-:
здравствуйте, приехал в Польшу до войны по визе, виза кончилась в сентябре 22 года, планирую лететь ехать в Барселону и оттуда лететь в Калгари. Кто может подсказать, могут ли быть проблемы с тем что я без оснований на находился на в евросоюзе и смогу ли я спокойно вылететь в Канаду? не будет проблем с паспортом и не департируют ли меня?
hello people join the de-fi revolution with AI Fund channel: @Redyrects [a lot|lots] of beautiful features will be released shortly to help everyone make cash in defi. Don't miss this opportunity, Launch soon!
Hey guys join the decentralized finance revolution with AI Fund channel: @Redyrects [a lot|lots] of nice features to be released shortly to help everybody make cash in defi. Don't miss this chance, Launch very soon
Hey guys join the decentralized finance revolution with AI Fund group: @Redyrects [a lot|lots] of good features will be released shortly to help everybody make money in defi. Don't miss this opportunity, Launch soon!