🇺🇦 лікар в 🇨🇦
I had put it upon myself to celebrate and dance endlessly with profound happiness to appreciate Mr @Harry_Alexander_Meta4_Trader for the great job done. I started trading with him and watched my profits grows on a daily basis with his amazing skills And good brokerage, I made a withdrawal without being charged a fee. I'm really indebted and Grateful for your good work and service. trade with him and come back for appreciation. Contact him t.me/joinchat/TBZAfqpFYvQ1MTBk t.me/joinchat/TBZAfqpFYvQ1MTBk
Life will surely teach you lesson before you will experience the good part of it , I have a bad experience falling from one scam to another until I read up a post about Mr @Harry_Alexander_Meta4_Trader, i was still in doubt kept seeing many testimony's of his good work so I was convinced and decided to give it a try and I gave in my last shot and invested One thousand Five Hundred dollars for a start,He really played are own part of the deal as He promised me, now I have gotten my second withdrawal without paying for other charges fee like others account manager, If you are searching for an honest account manager, search no more and add up Mr @Harry_Alexander_Meta4_Trader who taught me all I needed to know, thank you sir and may you have strength to continue to help others like you did for me. You can reach him t.me/joinchat/TBZAfqpFYvQ1MTBk
I'm very happy to see myself among those that are testifying about Mr @Harry_Alexander_Meta4_Trader on how He have been helping those that find it difficult to trade Forex and win. I never believe it till i receive my profits successfully, it was like a dream. I made my first withdrawal completely. Click on this link to contact Sir @Harry_Alexander_Meta4_Trader if you are interested in earning extra income through Forex trade. t.me/joinchat/TBZAfqpFYvQ1MTBk t.me/joinchat/TBZAfqpFYvQ1MTBk
Let the success story of others attract you to your success. I have always had interest in Forex trading so I can invest for myself and my family, but I was scared of lost until I got convinced by seeing a lot of people giving testimonies about Mr @Harry_Alexander_Meta4_Trader an expert forex trader. and then i decided to finally give it a trial, so far so good, I have made more than twenty thousand dollars in just 48 hour's trading. Don't waste more time start your success dream t.me/joinchat/TBZAfqpFYvQ1MTBk
Tylenol(парацетамол) та Advil(ібупрофен) навіть у супермаркеті можна знайти
Практически в каждом супермаркете можно купить лекарства. В Walmart точно продают. Либо большие аптеки Pharmaprix. Ибупрофен найти не проблема.
И в некоторых городах украинцев обслуживают в госпитале даже без страховки.
🇨🇦 Day Celebration
Отмечаем наш первый День Канады вместе 🔥
ВНИМАНИЕ! Место встречи изменилось!
📍 Сбор в Toronto Music Garden 🕟 В 16:30
Еда для пикника обязательна, а напитки какие вы сами пьёте и предпочитаете!
И ребят, не забудьте подстилки/пледы каждый взять :) спасибо!
Будем всех рады видеть!
Доброго ранку всім. Треба допомога! Дитині 16 міс. Два дня була висока температура (38,5-39,2) давала жарознижуюче. Потім два дні 37. Температура пройшла, з’явся висип, лише на животі, спині потім трішки на шиї і обличчі. Ніжки і ручки чисті, нічого немає. Шо це може бути? Шо робити ? 😢