Канадська Кібер-Січ
З всесвітньої павутини )
Бо не хотілось шукати )
I have just said right the opposite)
Thank you I'm glad that everyone appreciated the photo in a bikini 😂
You are gorgeous, Anasteisha, and there are too little bikini photos in your insta to only noticing them) Good luck finding your job :)
Мне иногда кажется что в рекламе бизнеса намного больше дебатов и срача , нежели тут 😂
Hayt is good too) you see how many people have already visited the my page to see what is there that is being discussed like that)
Topic closed, thank you 😂
maybe try google translate, idk..
this is my personal page. who needs it - looks at the photo where I worked as a model. who needs it - write to me in order to discuss my skills, abilities and work experience) I indicated the page as a means of communication. I'm not shy about my photos, and I'm not going to delete them because you don't like them) And stop talking about it already. My page is my page. if you don't like it, leave the page.