UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦
Он ещё на половину выше по криминалу чем Калгари, чё то я морально не готов туда жену перевозить
Типо такого, но найти возможно.
Тут хз, у людей по разному бывает.
О блин, чуть не забыл, что у Вас там с семейными врачами? Годы ожидания пока будет семейный врач или попроще?
Так ночь
Спасибо всем, хорошего Вам дня!
Есть сайт который считает скок будет по итогу
Так наступит же
Ну да, то что у Вас сейлс такс провинциальный отсутствует уже многого стоит и это я ещё глубже не рыл
Да, просто тут разные бонусы от провинции и выходит дешевле.
• Jim Danyluk from Canadian Agri Blend is looking for Millwright (Edmonton based). Please reach out to him with resume and details at jim@canadianagriblend.com • UCC-APC is looking for Summer Student. Send your resume and cover letter to deb.vanhaaften@uccab.ca ASAP, details are attached • CSIS Is Hiring People Who Can Speak Foreign Languages & Positions Are Available Across Canada: www.narcity.com/csis-hiring-foreign-languages-positions-available-canada • Vitaliy Milentyev shared an opportunity to work as a Security (6 positions). up north in Iqaluit, NU. Salary - $5,000/m. Transportation, accommodation and boarding covered. Period - 3-month shifts. Language requirements - basic command of English is required. Contact person - Michael - 780-913-8502 • Nucor Systems are looking for a few people to join their apprentice irrigation workers team. Please see the attached detail and reach out to Vikram Virk at vikram@nucorsystems.com or alexbiro@nucorsystems.com for the details. Some help with transportation and immigration can be provided. • GMS Canada (formerly WSB Titan) with Shoemaker as one of the trade operating names, are looking for quite a few people to hire across different roles (forklift operators, warehouse staff, delivery helpers, drivers, and other). See more via video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBuYn6mGzf4, and www.google.com/search?q=what+we+do+at+GMS&rlz=1C1CHBD_enCA1013CA1013&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiimK3IgOv-AhUOkYkEHbwfB8UQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1266&bih=593&dpr=1.5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:ad03183a,vid:19kacCHWhKI . Only in Calgary they are looking to hire around 12 people, but they have other locations across province too (Lethbridge, Medicine hat, Edmonton, Grande Prairie, etc.) and 32 location across Canada. Potential help with immigration. LIMA/LMO. Some job descriptions are attached here, please reach out with resumes at: Jody Jones jjones@shoemakerdrywall.com • Insulation Installers are needed at Ideal Insulation, please see the attached job summary and reach out with resumes and details to Trevor Brown at trevorb@idealinsulation.com. Isolation in Calgary/Edmonton. Already have Ukrainians. Not had job, can be done by females as well. Can help with transportation (potentially provide the vehicle and add to company insurance). Full time, benefits will start in 3 months • Lynn Burns at lburns@alphabetterlands.com is still looking for: 1) I have 6 labourer positions, unfortunately these are in the construction side, so they will need to be able to drive and lift heavy weights; 2) I also have 3 skid steer operator positions, they will need to have previous skid steer experience and be able to drive; 3) I have 1 class 3 driver for our water truck. Must have a valid Class 3 with Q (air brake endorsement) • Lina Bil at lina@impacthr.ca is looking for 2 workers for Yardly for Yard Maintenance Technicians (Lawn Care & Snow Removal). Job description is attached for more details.
А не, Вы правы, перепроверил, норм посчитало
А принцип то одинаковый
Хз, в Польше норм работал такой сайт
Вот чё то по опыту они все трындят :) эти сайты
Во, это тоже
Бензин тут вроде самый дешевый ещё
В квартире? 😱
А то чёт стрёмно стало что он не один тут
Ну тип может как-то травите помещение
20 Jan 2023, 19:11
11 minutes ago